Help! What's Wrong With My Betta

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Dec 28, 2012
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I have a female crowntail betta and I've had her for 3 and a half- 4 months and I got a 29 gallon tank for Chirtsmas and now that I put fish in it she's acting all weird she isn't in the tank or by the tank she puts her face in the gravel and wouldn't eat today.
Have you added any new fish?
What are your water test results?
Is the tank cycled?
Are any other fish acting strangely?
When did you add her to the tank?
What are her tankmates?
What is the temperature of the tank?

Are you able to upload a picture?
sorry for being a bit dim but are you saying the betta is in a separate tank and the new tank you got for christmas now has fish in but the two tanks are not near each other
The 'OP' replied to my post 'female crowntail' saying his fish was fine. So either it is in the new tank and is overawed at the size and is just a bit freaked out , or its in the old tank and I dont know what. Clarification please.
My fish is in a separate tank no near the new one my other fish in the bigger tank are fine her tank ins't cloudy or anything like that and she lives alone sorry but i can't upload a picture also the heat of her tank is normal.
Maybe shes a little freaked out at being on her own all of a sudden. Fish like company too.
What are your water test results?
Is the tank cycled?
When did you add her to the tank?

Can you email me a picture?
The tank ins't cycled
I added her when I got her
What do you mean water test results

She has never been with other fish in a tank
Ok, your problem is that she's in an uncycled tank is probably very poorly by now. Please click on the link in my signature, this will take you to the Beginners Resource Centre. You need to have a read through of everything there, but especially the article about FISH IN CYCLE.

Can I ask how long you have had her for? Also, how often do you do water changes, and how much? With your new tank, if that is not cycled then you will also be in a fish in cycle with that too. This means that you need to be doing daily water changes (at least 75%), otherwise she will be swimming around in her own waste. This will very quickly poison her, and cause massive health problems and will quite likely lead to death. You need to be doing this for your new tank too, otherwise you will start loosing fish.

Water test results mean testing your water to see what levels of Ammonia (very toxic to fish, and is caused by their wee and poo), Nitrite (also very poisonous), and Nitrate. You need to get yourself one of these: API Freshwater Test Kit. They're about £20 online, and I cannot stress enough about how important it is you get one. You need to test your water daily, and if the Ammonia or Nitrite are above 0 ppm then you need to do a large emergency water change with dechlorinated water.

Can you do a big water change right now (at least 50%)? It'll help her out a lot, otherwise the chances are she might not make it.
Please PM me if you need help with anything, I'd be more than happy to go through anything with you that you're unsure about
Couldn't of given better instructions Flute!

Have you been adding/added Stress Coat & Stress Zyme to the tap water before you put it in her tank?

I wouldn't blame yourself too much as this is a common mistake that is easily made when not doing enough research.

My question un-covered the problem, go me! :good:
I had her for there months and my other bigger tank is cycled I clean my betta tank about twice and week of 75 percent of the water I just did yesterday

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