Help! Whats Wrong With Licorice Gourami


& Oddballs
May 20, 2010
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Well today, I bought another Licorice Gourami to add to my existing group of 3. However, in the shop, he was alone and there were 2 other licorice gourami in the tank-both dead. I felt sorry for him so I bought him, see if I could help him get better. At the moment, he is either floating at the top of the tank or sitting in the bottom. He isn't interacting with my other licorice gouramis so I know definitely wrong. Also, he seems to have a ssunken belly? Does anyone know what this might be?


Do you have a qt tank? If so I'd get him in there in case he infects your other fish. My best guess would be internal parasites but I'm not 100% sure.
I do have a quarantine tank but its not cycled yet. If its internal parasites then it should be ok as I have anti-parasites medication.

I've taken some more photos and I've noticed he has sort of red gills. Check it out :sad:
Well, I hope he gets better. If the other two in the tank were already dead I'm afraid I'd have left him there as he may already be too far gone. Why take the risk buying a fish you know is ill and putting it straight into your main tank? I understand why you wanted to save him but I sincerely hope it doesn't cause problems for your other fish.
A sunken belly usually means internal parasites or bacterial infection. Have you seen him poo?
A sunken belly usually means internal parasites or bacterial infection. Have you seen him poo?
No not yet. But since yesterday I've been dosing with anit-internal parasite medicine and he seems to be a lot more active, he is still not feeding though. But things are hopefully getting better :good:

Glad to hear he's looking better, hopefully he'll pull through and reward you for rescuing him
:D He is now much more active and healthy than he was at the shop. And he is eating too! :D :)
Glad to hear he's better.
I was going to say, in that last pic, it almost resembles a tad of dropsy.
Scales all puffed and what not.

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