Right, where to begin?
My biggest tank has been up and running for around 10 months. It is approx 800l including the sump.
I had my green severum for approx 2 years.
One day I noticed a white, what I assumed to be cotton wool fungus near his mouth.
He was eating and acting normally. I took photos in to a couple of local fish shops and was advised to treat with methelyne blue as had already recently treated with the green 'waterlife' brand medicine the name of which I can't remember as I sit here....not protozin... the other one which is green.
A few days later he looked like this and the day after this photo he was dead.
I've never seen anything so awful looking on a fish, he got weak so quickly and its progression was so rapid. http
We have 4 tanks in total, and this one never seems 'quite right'
Although we get 0 ammonia 0 nitrite minimal amount of nitrate PH 7.5 high KH high GH but this is the same as in all my tanks.
I'm sure we must not have it set up correctly, we have an outflow pipe going in to the first section of the sump which flows into the second section, which contains sponges, rocks and carbon inside tights. Then it goes over the bubble trap and into the final section where we have a pond pimp pumping it up and back into the opposite end of the tank.
Have we missed something out? It's never been crystal clear like my other tanks are (200l)
As I say it's 6ft long and we do a 25% ester change every week or sometimes 2 weeks.
Today we lost another fish to what seemed like columnaris or mouth fungus. It was a little Uaru chiclid.
I'm concerned for my other fish, which are as follows,
2 red spotted severum
3 severums (rotkeil or green - now 3-4" fry from another tank from a mother rotkeil father gold severum)
1 opaline gourami
8 albino cories
2 other cories
1 green phantom plec
1 galaxy plec
1 black fin shark catfish
1 gold severum
2 Uaru
2 clown loaches
Please help us!
I don't know what else to try as there was 6 weeks between the green severum passing on and the Uaru getting the same thing.
It is a calm placid tank, no bullying or stressing, and I feed them fresh veggies, bloodworm and good quality pellets and flakes.
My biggest tank has been up and running for around 10 months. It is approx 800l including the sump.
I had my green severum for approx 2 years.
One day I noticed a white, what I assumed to be cotton wool fungus near his mouth.

He was eating and acting normally. I took photos in to a couple of local fish shops and was advised to treat with methelyne blue as had already recently treated with the green 'waterlife' brand medicine the name of which I can't remember as I sit here....not protozin... the other one which is green.
A few days later he looked like this and the day after this photo he was dead.
I've never seen anything so awful looking on a fish, he got weak so quickly and its progression was so rapid. http

We have 4 tanks in total, and this one never seems 'quite right'
Although we get 0 ammonia 0 nitrite minimal amount of nitrate PH 7.5 high KH high GH but this is the same as in all my tanks.
I'm sure we must not have it set up correctly, we have an outflow pipe going in to the first section of the sump which flows into the second section, which contains sponges, rocks and carbon inside tights. Then it goes over the bubble trap and into the final section where we have a pond pimp pumping it up and back into the opposite end of the tank.
Have we missed something out? It's never been crystal clear like my other tanks are (200l)
As I say it's 6ft long and we do a 25% ester change every week or sometimes 2 weeks.
Today we lost another fish to what seemed like columnaris or mouth fungus. It was a little Uaru chiclid.
I'm concerned for my other fish, which are as follows,
2 red spotted severum
3 severums (rotkeil or green - now 3-4" fry from another tank from a mother rotkeil father gold severum)
1 opaline gourami
8 albino cories
2 other cories
1 green phantom plec
1 galaxy plec
1 black fin shark catfish
1 gold severum
2 Uaru
2 clown loaches
Please help us!
I don't know what else to try as there was 6 weeks between the green severum passing on and the Uaru getting the same thing.
It is a calm placid tank, no bullying or stressing, and I feed them fresh veggies, bloodworm and good quality pellets and flakes.