Tank: 72L Bow front
PH: 7.8
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 10
KH & GH: Unknown
Temp: 78F
Fish appear healthy in color but are slow and lying on the bottom or on driftwood upright on their bellies like they would when they are at sleeping rest
but they are panting in breathing like they aren't getting enough oxygen, then they just eventually are rolling on their sides and die. Over the past 2 days I have lost 6 fish and 4 shrimp!!!!
I am coming up with no apparent reasons for them to be dying off and need help!
The tank has been set up over 6 months ago and was fish in cycled with tetras.
I run a t5 54W x 2 bulb 6700k 4" light
lightly planted ( 7 plants ( 3 @ 3" x 3" x 3" in length x width x height) ( 1 Java fern pad @ 5" x 2" x 6" ) (1 @ 2" x 2" x 8") (2 @ 3" x 2" x 4") )
3 Drift wood pieces ( 1 large, 1 medium, 1 small)
fluorite substrate 2 1/2 " deep
large air pump running 2 x 5" air stones
Fluval 306 canister filter with sponges, carbon, bio chem x 2 trays running at full output. ( out put both breaks water surface and is placed directly where one air
stones bubbles travel in front of out put to be pushed around and broken up in the water / air diffusion point.
glass tank top with open area at back of tank where pump and air inputs and outputs enter tank.
I do 15-20 gallon water changes once a week and use gravel siphon to clean into the gravel, also cleaning the filter media. the only media yet to change is
the carbon as I have changed piece by piece to prevent biological shock.
I have always used rain water from a rain barrel and some tap water (de chlorinated with chemicals) to add to tank.
I had taken out the tetras about 5 months ago and had 5 German blue rams and 10 Amano shrimp (SP?) they all seemed happy but the rams never got much color to them.
I recently added 14 assorted African Cichlids (all smaller then the rams to avoid fighting) about 2 weeks ago. (all from the same tank)
one or two of the Africans died off from fighting with each other but since stopped. all the fish rams and shrimp included swam together and got along with little to no fighting.
suddenly they just started dying off, first went 2 Africans, then 1 more African, then a ram, then 1 more African, and one more African was taking its last breaths when I got home and decided to ask for help.
the fish haven't been left dead in the tank more than a few hours at most depending when they died.
all the fish look healthy and have no visual sicknesses.
I feed them once a day and alternate between flakes, cichlid pellets (small), and frozen blood worms.
I recently (4 days ago) started on a new pack of frozen bloodworms. Thinking the blood worms could be the culprit, I stopped using them yesterday and did an unscheduled
20 gallon water change and added a bit of cycle to the tank.
still today as I posted, a fish died this morning and one when I got home from work.
I am tapped out for ideas and need a bit of guidance as I have had many tanks before and never as much trouble as I've had with this one. could it be lack of oxygen, bad blood worms, need new carbon faster, rain barrel water, sickness? any ideas for me anyone?
I can provide more info if needed but I tried to be very clear.
PH: 7.8
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 10
KH & GH: Unknown
Temp: 78F
Fish appear healthy in color but are slow and lying on the bottom or on driftwood upright on their bellies like they would when they are at sleeping rest
but they are panting in breathing like they aren't getting enough oxygen, then they just eventually are rolling on their sides and die. Over the past 2 days I have lost 6 fish and 4 shrimp!!!!
I am coming up with no apparent reasons for them to be dying off and need help!
The tank has been set up over 6 months ago and was fish in cycled with tetras.
I run a t5 54W x 2 bulb 6700k 4" light
lightly planted ( 7 plants ( 3 @ 3" x 3" x 3" in length x width x height) ( 1 Java fern pad @ 5" x 2" x 6" ) (1 @ 2" x 2" x 8") (2 @ 3" x 2" x 4") )
3 Drift wood pieces ( 1 large, 1 medium, 1 small)
fluorite substrate 2 1/2 " deep
large air pump running 2 x 5" air stones
Fluval 306 canister filter with sponges, carbon, bio chem x 2 trays running at full output. ( out put both breaks water surface and is placed directly where one air
stones bubbles travel in front of out put to be pushed around and broken up in the water / air diffusion point.
glass tank top with open area at back of tank where pump and air inputs and outputs enter tank.
I do 15-20 gallon water changes once a week and use gravel siphon to clean into the gravel, also cleaning the filter media. the only media yet to change is
the carbon as I have changed piece by piece to prevent biological shock.
I have always used rain water from a rain barrel and some tap water (de chlorinated with chemicals) to add to tank.
I had taken out the tetras about 5 months ago and had 5 German blue rams and 10 Amano shrimp (SP?) they all seemed happy but the rams never got much color to them.
I recently added 14 assorted African Cichlids (all smaller then the rams to avoid fighting) about 2 weeks ago. (all from the same tank)
one or two of the Africans died off from fighting with each other but since stopped. all the fish rams and shrimp included swam together and got along with little to no fighting.
suddenly they just started dying off, first went 2 Africans, then 1 more African, then a ram, then 1 more African, and one more African was taking its last breaths when I got home and decided to ask for help.
the fish haven't been left dead in the tank more than a few hours at most depending when they died.
all the fish look healthy and have no visual sicknesses.
I feed them once a day and alternate between flakes, cichlid pellets (small), and frozen blood worms.
I recently (4 days ago) started on a new pack of frozen bloodworms. Thinking the blood worms could be the culprit, I stopped using them yesterday and did an unscheduled
20 gallon water change and added a bit of cycle to the tank.
still today as I posted, a fish died this morning and one when I got home from work.
I am tapped out for ideas and need a bit of guidance as I have had many tanks before and never as much trouble as I've had with this one. could it be lack of oxygen, bad blood worms, need new carbon faster, rain barrel water, sickness? any ideas for me anyone?
I can provide more info if needed but I tried to be very clear.