Mostly New Member
Ok I am now officially freaking out!!! Please help! So I have my 29-gal that is over stocked, but everything has been running really smoothly, and water has been testing spot on. But 3 days ago, I added some driftwood to my tank, then the next day my water got EXTREMELY cloudy, and then the following day one of my Dwarf Gourami’s died, (I did a 30%-ish w/c right after removing the dead fish) and today the water is super, SUPER, cloudy to the point I cant see most of the fish until they swim right up to the front glass. Also now my Ammonia is testing at 8 ppm!!! The worst part is, knowing my tank is over crowed, I went out and got a 75-gal that is now sitting in my garage, but I can set it up until tomorrow after work, because the substrate, and more importantly the filter, wont be delivered until tomorrow, and I only have a Whisper 40 right now, that I think is failing (I got the W40 from a friend that told me it’s a few years old already). So HELP! What should I do!!! There is also a multi-colored oily looking film now at the top of the water in 29-gal. Im also panicked because, by tomorrow night all the fish will have a beautiful new home, that’s more than double the size with way more than adequate filtration, I just need to keep them all alive for like 30-36 more hours (knowing I cant do the change till I get home from work tomorrow) to make the change!