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Dec 14, 2013
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hi im looking for some help please at the moment i hav a jewel vision 450 with 15 neons 7 widow tetra 5 phantom tetra 3 xray tetra 2 hoplo 3 silver sharks and a pleco. im using an eheim proffessional external filter and a fluval 4+. one of my widows had what looked like a flap of skin nxt to mouth which has now turned into a white warty looking growth which is growing rapidly inside his mouth now. used melafix and made no difference whatsoever now some of my other widows r showing signs they may b getting the same thing they hav a wee white glowing spot starting in there mouths .
It could be lymphocyctis which is a virus, it cannot be cured, sometimes the lumps will just drop off again once it has run its course, its a nasty virus with no known cure I am afraid.
Am thinking more along the lines of Cottonmouth?
But difficult to be certain, a few pics would certainly help and if you have any more information, like symptoms, tank temp, any new additions to your tank, water change routine, acclimatisation methods, as much information as you can provide will be more helpful.
If you can find out if it is indeed cottonmouth, there are treatments for this, such as Myxazin, penicillin, Maracyn Plus or Furan 2 may also work (do note a few of these treatments appear to be US based so they may be different names for UK brands)
Please do not jump to conclusions and dump loads of meds into the tank, this may do more harm than good, the above is just a suggestion and is not a conclusive diagnoses.
If you can provide more answers to the questions asked, this would help greatly for us to try and help you.

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