Help Possible Dick Platy!

Mar 3, 2012
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My platy has black dots all over his body and is ever swimming just getting stuck in the weak filter and getting stuck between the rocks and the side of the tank! He got attacked by my other platy-jaws and I moved him to a smaller container with tank water and rocks and a decoration from the tank. He has a low appitite now and he is usually swimming fast around the tank and playing with jaws and Pepsi. And hogging all the food. Please help me meh fish has been like this for 3weeks or more HELP!!

Sick platy I'm rushing to write!

Bump please I don't want his funeral to happen now!
It's probably a disease called (imaginatively!) Black Spot.

It's not hard to treat and is not normally fatal to fish, though it does cause irritation, meaning the fish will rub and flick on things.

Do you have snails in the tank? Black Spot needs a snail host for part of it's lifecycle and will die off if there are no snails present, or you can buy a medication for it at your local fish shop (LFS).

I'm worried that some of the symptoms are being caused by something other than the Black Spot; how big is the tank, how long has been set up and is it 'cycled'?

Is there a filter in the container you have the sick fish in? If not, he'd be better off in the main tank.

Apologies for all the questions, but the more information we have, the better we are able to help. Oh, and :hi: to the forum too :)

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