
Fish Fanatic
Jun 3, 2004
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Woke up this morning to goldfish fry after being hatched do I feed them straight the way or do I leave it for a few days. Also the tank has got white eggs which have fungus around them which I couldn't get rid of because the eggs were found in the pond in blanket weed. Do I need to put the born babies into a different tank.

If you would like to try and raise the majority of the spawn remove them and put them in a seperate tank with water the same temperature as the pond. After this gradually raise the temp to 70C and they should hatch in 3-4 days. The eggs that appear almost clear are fertile, the others are likely to have white fungus on them. After 48 hours of hatching they are ready to be feed on commercail liquid foods, then onto Baby brine shrimp and infusoria and so on. If they are in a pond with adult fish etc try to provide plenty of cover as the parents and other aquatic species will feed on the fry. :)
I took them out of the pond a few days ago and today they have hatched can the babies get out of blanket weed ive not checked yet because there is only 6 or 7 that have hatched so far
shawy said:
I took them out of the pond a few days ago and today they have hatched can the babies get out of blanket weed ive not checked yet because there is only 6 or 7 that have hatched so far
Blanket Weed? Were they layed in the weed? How long has it been, how many white eggs? :)
Layed in the blanket weed from around the stems of the lilly pads which didn't no was there. Been 3 to 5 days and now have started hatching about 100 white eggs but got rid of about 60.

Will the babies still hatch?
shawy said:
Layed in the blanket weed from around the stems of the lilly pads which didn't no was there. Been 3 to 5 days and now have started hatching about 100 white eggs but got rid of about 60.

Will the babies still hatch?
If the eggs are white those ones will not hatch as they are not fertile and have developed fungus, only the clear eggs will hatch. If the eggs that hatched were in the same situation then I am sure it will be fine, good luck. :)
Most of the fry have hatched now just waiting for some of the eggs to hatch.

Could anyone tell me on average how many die? Just wondering
shawy said:
Most of the fry have hatched now just waiting for some of the eggs to hatch.

Could anyone tell me on average how many die? Just wondering
Depending on how they are raised pond/tank you can expect anywhere from 10%-50% to survive. In a tank 50% mortality rate is common and sometimes more as alot of fish will suffer deformities, eggs won't hatch, disease may affect a few and so on......Can you estimate how many eggs have hatched out of how many found?
Not many were un-fertile but the ones that have hatched there is over 500 all alive at the moment and only a coulpe are dead. There was at the max 600 or 700.
I get the koi carp magazine and the fry in there look exactly like the ones I have got could they be koi or do all fry look the same.
How big is your pond? How many Koi do you have and at what sizes? :)
The pond is 7ft by 7ft. 2ft deep. making the pond bigger next saturday.

I have:

4 English koi from 4 to 8 inch
1 Japanese koi thats 10-12 inch
1 Ghost carp thats 6-8 inch
1 Mirror carp thats 6 inch
13 Goldfish from 2 to 8 inch
4 Sarasota from 2 to 5 inch
shawy said:
The pond is 7ft by 7ft. 2ft deep. making the pond bigger next saturday.

I have:

4 English koi from 4 to 8 inch
1 Japanese koi thats 10-12 inch
1 Ghost carp thats 6-8 inch
1 Mirror carp thats 6 inch
13 Goldfish from 2 to 8 inch
4 Sarasota from 2 to 5 inch
Its very unlikely for any fish under 8-10" to breed so I shouldn't think it is the koi, far more likely to be the Goldfish as they will breed more readily but it is always a possibility, keep me posted on their progress. :)
I will keep you updated on them.

Also as we are making pond bigger, I would like to breed koi so has anybody got any info about it.

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