
New Member
Jul 15, 2005
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Wirral / UK
My bulldog plec is swimming round upside down hittin his head on rocks and stuff hes got a fungus like growth on his gills and its bleeding

55 gal

ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0

its a planted tank i put new plants in the other day bought from ebay

a few have died

any ideas plz anything i can do

in the tank also there are 3 neon tetras 4 black tetras 1 opaline gourami
2 corys and an angel fish

can a mod move this to the approperiate area?
Isolate the infected fish in a seperate tank so that the infrection does not spread to other healthy fish.
Do a water change on the orginally tank.
If your sure that it if a fungal infection use Pimafix as directed on the bottle for you size of tank (make sure the water temperature is not to high) and increase oxygen in your tank. Also make sure the carbon is removed from the hospital's tanks filter.
Stressed or wounded fish are the most susceptible to fungal outbreaks. Bacterial infections are also common, further weakening the fish and allowing the fungal infection to spread more rapidly. Left untreated, fish may die from disease and stress. Treatment should be administered as soon as possible to ensure quick recovery. Using PimaFix and MelaFix together provides the added benefit of quick tissue regeneration and wound healing.
Whatever you do, do not add salt to the water as this will only increase the stress to your pleco using melafix should boast your fishes slime coat without injury. Fish have an amazing abilty to pull through and heal themselves do not count him out yet.
Good luck
Send one of the mods a PM and they will be able to move it for you. I wish I could help but have never run into anything like that. Look at the bottom of the main forum page where it has a list of members that are online. the mods names are in blue. Just click on one and PM them. At the moment, it looks like juanvaldez is the only one on. In the mean time, here is a sight with good descriptions on diseases.

Answers to these questions will help decide what the problem is and how to go about fixing it and curing your fish.

How long have you had your tank set up?
Did you cycle the tank?
What are your readings on ammonia and nitrite?
What is the water temp?
Did you use dechlorinator?
Are you using any chemicals other than dechlorinator?

I'm sure I missed some but these will at least get someone started.
Are you sure the Nirate reading was 0? Normally if the tank has been cycled you will have some reading on this.
A tank that has a healthy bacterial cycle should show at least some nitrates, how long has the tank been set up and how many gallons does it hold?
Your plec may have died but it seems there is a deeper issue here that could also put your other fish at risk.

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