Help Please With My Pleco


Mostly New Member
Jun 30, 2016
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I have a bristle nose pleco he's only young not quite 2inch. I've noticed he keeps darting to the surface. Is this normal? He only started doing it last night. The oxygen shouldn't of changed. I changed my canister filler to a better one friday and added marimo moss balls on Saturday. Apart from that everything's the same. Should i be worried?
Did you put all your old media into the new filter?
Have you tested for ammonia and nitrite? Both ammonia and particularly nitrite can affect the fish's ability to absorb oxygen, so you should check those.
It is normal for plecs to get air from the surface (they, along with some other catfish, like corydoras, and loaches keep a bubble of air in their gut that they change every so often, but you should check for other causes as well, just in case there is something wrong.
I tested my water immediately and everything is good. I have read they do this bit mine only started doing it last night which i find odd. All my old media is in new filter
If you've done the tests and they're all clear then I wouldn't worry if I were you :)
Either you just happen not have noticed him/her doing it before, or it's only just started; I don't think they do it as fry/juveniles.
Does your tank have an air stone in it? If plecos have increased respiration it may just be stressed. How often does he dart? if its like every 20 mins or so I wouldn't be worried. personally I don't think theres anything wrong with your pleco
I use this emoji way to much lol
Yes he does it about every 15 to 30 mins. I have an air some and also got spray bar. Maybe just worried about nothing. My plecs are my favourite. I'd hate anything to happen to either of them. Just thought I'd get others opinions. I live your emoji never stop using it lol
yea you have nothing to worry about then, good to have people asking questions like so about your fish. means you care! :) and good luck with your plecos

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