ok. I recently moved, and broke down my malawi saulosi species tank. its back up and cycled and im going to do a freshwater community planted this time around.
it is a 55 gallon tank, substrate is gravel. (will change to black sand someday, not in the cards at this point)
my lighting is two 15'' aqueon full spectrum daylight bulbs.. I dont know the wattages.
temp is 78
I definately need beginner plants i guess..
Im looking for a nice piece of driftwood, and have a bit of java moss to tie to it.
my stock will be:
3 dwarf gourami
30 neon tetras
10 harlequin rasboras
6 panda cory
2 blue rams
what im looking for:
I like the tall plants in the back, but i really dont like the amazon sword.. It just gets too big. it seems to take over the tank imo.
so some full tall plants in the background..
other than that i would need some mid area plants as well as foreground.
some nice short grass would be awesome for this.
I have 1 java fern and 1 wisteria. the rest of my plastic plants i need to replace with live..
help please
ready... go!
it is a 55 gallon tank, substrate is gravel. (will change to black sand someday, not in the cards at this point)
my lighting is two 15'' aqueon full spectrum daylight bulbs.. I dont know the wattages.
temp is 78
I definately need beginner plants i guess..
Im looking for a nice piece of driftwood, and have a bit of java moss to tie to it.
my stock will be:
3 dwarf gourami
30 neon tetras
10 harlequin rasboras
6 panda cory
2 blue rams
what im looking for:
I like the tall plants in the back, but i really dont like the amazon sword.. It just gets too big. it seems to take over the tank imo.
so some full tall plants in the background..
other than that i would need some mid area plants as well as foreground.
some nice short grass would be awesome for this.
I have 1 java fern and 1 wisteria. the rest of my plastic plants i need to replace with live..
help please
ready... go!