New Member
Hello, there. Me and my family are new to keeping fish. We bought a ten gallon aquarium for 6 guppies and 4 danios. I asked about 100 questions, but the "fish expert" at the store told us that all we needed to do was add water conditioner and change the filter when the water started getting cloudy, along with partial water changes once a month. We have had the tank for a little under a month. The water started getting cloudy, so I changed the filter, and within 48 hours we lost all the guppies. I went back to the store and the same expert said that I should just change half the water, wasn't sure why I lost such hardy fish. I did change half the water. I have since read online about cycling the tank, however I'm not sure what to do now that the filter is changed. All the levels for ammonia, Nitrates and Nitrites are off the charts. What can we do to save the danios and cycle the tank now that the filter is changed? We are very sad about losing the guppies, and we want to make sure the danio's aren't suffering.