Help On Fry!


New Member
Jan 21, 2013
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Hi everyone,
Just yesterday I realised that we have fry in my 21L tank. We got one adult female platy and one male balloon molly yesterday morning aswell. Talking about bad timing.
Before we got the balloon molly and platy we already had 1 male guppy and two female black platies about 2 weeks ago.
My family and I think the babies are from the black platies. She must have been pregnant when we got her at the pet shop.
So far there are about 25 of them. We have lots of vegetation in the tank and a big pile of driftwood.My dad and I are not sure if we should get a new tank and put them in there or we could get one of the plastic takeaway containers, put small holes in it and sit it on top of the tank with the babies inside. Also with enough room to swim etc.
Please help on some ideas.
If you use a plastic container on the top, I wouldn't poke holes in it. If your fish wanted to, they could suck the fry through the holes. If you have a lot of plant cover, they might be fine in open water. Otherwise I would recommend a separate tank for them. Though the Easiest way would be a plastic fry container hung in the water. Best of luck!!
You'll probably stress the fry if you try to catch them now. Best if they are born in a separate box or tank if you want them all to survive. I have 5 platy fry from 2 broods (and mama fish is heavily pregnant again!) My tank was quite sparsely planted until recently. Once they start producing fry, they can have them every 4-5 weeks (they only need to mate once to produce up to 6 broods) You have 25 fry now - in a month or so you could have another 25 and so on! So unless you are planning to buy a new tank every couple of months I'd suggest going nature's route and letting them hide in the vegetation you have. Then it will be survival of the fittest.
Also be aware that not all aquatic stores will accept fry unless they are from bone fide suppliers and established disease-free tanks.
Good luck with your new aquarium residents!

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