Help Needed


New Member
Nov 20, 2016
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I had purchased a divided 2.5 gal and now know that is not good. Due to restricted space, I need to purchase another 2.5. I was going to get one tomorrow, but one of my bettas has been displaying signs of either itch or fungal infection. I do not want to diagnose him wrong, and I want to get both fish healthy before I move one to the new tank. I will send pictures if asked!

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I had purchased a divided 2.5 gal and now know that is not good. Due to restricted space, I need to purchase another 2.5. I was going to get one tomorrow, but one of my bettas has been displaying signs of either itch or fungal infection. I do not want to diagnose him wrong, and I want to get both fish healthy before I move one to the new tank. I will send pictures if asked!

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Firstly, you made the mistake of housing two betta in a 2.5 gallon divided. That's little over a gallon for each. That like putting your dog in kennel half its size. Secondly, we need a picture of your betta if you can't describe symptoms more clearly. The second tank is a good idea, but you need at least a five gallon per betta and you need to let the tank cycle.

Is your tank cycled? How long has it been set up? It is heated and if so at what temperature do you keep it? What are your water parameters, nitrate, nitrite, Ph, and ammonia and alkalinity levels? Are you adding anything else to the water other than water conditioner? How often do you change the water and clean the gravel?
I have recently learned about water testing. It has a filter, and I am unable to get a tank bigger than 2.5. I do not have the correct space and I figures it was better than allowing the poor guy to stay in there. It was at just under 80, but for some reason the water temp has decreased and I am looking into the causes.

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I looked at all the pictures, but he doesn't look like those fish

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I looked at all the pictures, but he doesn't look like those fish

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I looked at the pictures you sent me and he seems to look in good health. I don't see any discoloration on his body or lesions or receding fins, at least from the picture. Can you better describe WHAT it is you see on his body and his behavior because of it?
I re-checked and the scales near his face just seem dull. Tomorrow I'm getting another 2.5 gal and putting him in it. I don't think I'll be able to get the five gal due to limited space. But I will make sure the fish are properly cared for. I'm glad he's not sick, but I still still feel horrible for not being able to give him more than 2.5 gals :(

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I'm sorry if I made any of you upset. I am very greatful for your help, and I promise to do everything I can to make a 2.5 work.

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I'm sorry if I made any of you upset. I am very greatful for your help, and I promise to do everything I can to make a 2.5 work.

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I'm not mad, but you should get your water parameters tested. Loss of color could be a sign of any illness or even stress caused by poor water quality. I would suggest doing a 40-50 percent water change for now and repeating it again the next day until you can get it tested. Make sure you put enough conditioner in the new water before refilling the tank and that its as close to the tank water temperature as possible. Most illness caused in fish is a result of stress, be it poor water quality/lack of proper nutrition/so on. Such a small tank requires frequent 30-40 percent water changes at least twice a week as nitrate/nitrite/and ammonia levels can build up quickly, which basically poison the fish. Make sure you siphon the gravel too. How often do you feed them, how much, and what kind of food?
I feed them twice a day. They get three pellets each per feed. I still need to get a hose. Here is the food that I have. I will do as you suggest. I have purchased test strips and plan on getting the master test kit after becoming familiar with the process.

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