Help Needed Please, Got Black Fury Algie Over Everything And The Fish


Mostly New Member
Aug 21, 2013
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Hi, my tank has grown black fury algie all over everything especially the live plants. We have also had allot of fish die recently which i think is related to this.

We had 22 baby mollys born in there and about 3 days later they all died one by one.

Any ideas whats going on and how we can sort it? The tanks been running for 9 months with no issues upto now. Lights are on from 2pm to 9pm. External filter and heater and one long air stone powered by one pump.

Any help is appreciated.
How often are you doing water changes? How much?
What's the water stats, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate etc?

The algae you mention is what is known as Black Brush Algae, or BBA.
Also if you can post the size of your tank, and what fish you have stocked in there would be helpful.
Water changes roughly every 4 weeks same with cleaning the filter out. 180L tank

Not done a water test yet will do that tonight and see whats going on.

We have 6 white mollies, a big plec, 2 rams, 4 frogs, neons and black neons.
Turbodan said:
Water changes roughly every 4 weeks same with cleaning the filter out. 180L tank
Not done a water test yet will do that tonight and see whats going on.
We have 6 white mollies, a big plec, 2 rams, 4 frogs, neons and black neons.
Ideally up the water changes to 20% once a week. Then filter maintenance can stay at once a month.
A few of the fish you keep are very messy so you'll need to keep it clean otherwise the nitrate levels will build up and is normally the main reason why there's BBA.
Cut down the lighting period each day to about 6 hours and see if that helps also.
Ok thanks for the help ill try this. We did a big water change last night about 40%.

As for messy fish then yeah your right the big plec likes to leave poo all over the place.
Turbodan said:
Ok thanks for the help ill try this. We did a big water change last night about 40%.
As for messy fish then yeah your right the big plec likes to leave poo all over the place.
I'm guessing that it's a Common Plec?
Be worth rehoming soon if it is. They get far too large for 180ltr and definitely won't help the problem.
Yeah its a common plec. At the moment he is about 8-9 inchs long so quite big. We were thinking of getting a bigger tank at some point.

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