New Member
Hey guys, I have a planted 55G with a rainbow shark, 3 mollies 2 dwarf gouramies, 5 tiger barbs (mostly midium sized), 5 green tiger barbs(small sized) and 5 albino tiger barbs (2 small 3 adult) . I have been doing a water change every 2 days, the tank has been running for 2 and a half months, the amonia is at 0.1, the nitrites are at 0 and nitrates at around 30.
One of the small albino barbs and one of the adult albino tiger barbs are hiding in the plants most of the day. They seem healthy and eat when they see that there's food. But barely come out at all. I don't know what could be wrong with them. There are no signs of agression with other species, but one of the adult albino barb likes to chase all the other barbs.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I don't want any of them to die when I could've done something to help!!
One of the small albino barbs and one of the adult albino tiger barbs are hiding in the plants most of the day. They seem healthy and eat when they see that there's food. But barely come out at all. I don't know what could be wrong with them. There are no signs of agression with other species, but one of the adult albino barb likes to chase all the other barbs.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I don't want any of them to die when I could've done something to help!!