Help Me Theres Froth On Surface Of Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
isle of wight
hello woke up and seen some frothy bubble there whit just wondering if i need to remove it can someone help me soon as im a worried about my fish and a newbie
is it a newly set up tank? and what substrate are you using?
oh its the stuff which go's on the bottom of the tank. i have no clue then was thinking it could be not propally washed sand but if its not a new set up i dont know sorry :crazy:
Substrate is the sand/gravel/whatever at the bottom of the tank.

Froth is often a protein/dust layer from new substrate when a tank is newly set up. I've just set up a tank with cat litter and it frothed a fair bit but cleared nicely once the filters started to get at it.

Dangerous froth would be from detergents and things. Some algae's will also froth.

Newspaper is your friend with surface stuff, or kitchen roll. Turn off the filter, lay a sheet over the top, and lift immediately, turn filter back on.
oh its the stuff which go's on the bottom of the tank. i have no clue then was thinking it could be not propally washed sand but if its not a new set up i dont know sorry :crazy:
no its at the top of the tank what should i do not covering the whole tank but just half?

had another look its just a line thats at the top running along the glass its sort of fin line
Unless, on the random off chance, you're keeping a betta or gourami's and they're building a bubble nest?
is your filter inlet above the water? it might just be bubbles from that?
Do you have a betta fish? They make bubble nests on the surface of the water.
yes i have gouramis and ill get some toilet roll on the job i recently cleaned filter sponges dont no if this is it
Betta is a fighting fish.

The males of the gourami group deliberately build bubble nests when they're getting ready to breed. Might be worth a quick google for pictures of it.
If your gourami made a bubble nest then it's not harmful and i would leave it there, do a google image search for gourami bubble nest
Could be a nest or a Fighter fish, etc
Maybe you need better water circulaton at the surface? Put a powerhead close to the top.
Possibly some residue from the sand, it can happen. I find play sand especially bad for that somehow!

Those are probably your 3 best bets..

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