Help Me Put Together My New Tank Please!


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2007
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Hello everyone!! excited to be back here and part of the forums.... I went off to school for 6 months, Surprised to have seen that my fish tank had made it with very minume attention to it.... 
Well found out a few things...
*Broken light
*99% all my fish died
*Plants (moss) completely taking over space....
Im starting new... (kinda) and would love the help of you guys, I have one fish (a Cory catfish (I think))
Tons of new rocks that i re-arranged.
I would love some bottom critters (like hermit crabs or something like that) and mid and or top swimming fish...
Tank is a 20 Gallon, 2 filters, heater, and water is completely cycled...
Any comment/ opinion are welcomed...
Ok, not too sure about crabs, know very little about the care of these. But think Hermit crabs are saltwater species!
Bottom dwellers tend to be shrimps, plecos and cories.
Believe pleco and cories prefer sand substrates.
Need a few questions answered first so we can determine which fish might be suitable for your set up.
Water hardness
Dimensions of tank might be helpful as well
What kind of fish do you like?
Nice set up by the way.
You could get a small school of kuhli loaches. They stay small around 4 inches. Most crabs need a wat to get out of the water part of the time. You could do a snail or a few.

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