Well, that sounds like it was an interesting afternoon! hope your neck is better now Akasha?
donk, I'm really as new as you are so I can't say for sure how far along your girls is. But she looks like my Panda does (colour and fatness) and she's not near dropping yet. I think, if I'm guessing right, that she's about a week and a half to two weeks into her pregnancy (if I'm right as to who the father is) so I would guess that your girl is about the same... maybe a little bit futher along. But don't take that as fact! X )
You see that dark spot just above her anal fins? That's her gravid spot and it gets darker and bigger the closer a female is to giving birth. If your very lucky, if you look closly sometimes you can see tiny little dots in there... and those are tiny baby Fish eyes : 3
I could clearly see eyes in my Geisha's belly, but she's a very pale 'blonde' colour so it was a lot easier. But as far as I understand you can often see eyes in darker Guppies too and I could see eyes in my tiny Gem's belly and she's darker than Geisha is but not as dark as Panda (her black colouring almost covers her gravid spot). So I'm waiting till Panda is a bit futher along to see if I can start to see eyes in her belly too : )
Sorry I can't really be any more help, I'm sure someone a lot more knowledgeable can help you soon.