Fish Aficionado
Would you mind helping me choose plants, how many and where to place them? I've been shopping around and it looks like you often buy plants (online) in bundles of say 10 and I think that's probably going to be too much for me, right? I don't want to buy in my LFS because they are never labelled!
You can see my tank as it currently stands in my signature. I have a large acryllic rock in the middle which I do like but am not overly attached to so I would be open to changing to something else. I do like the way it helps to use the height of my tank since it's square rather than long. And I would like to keep some element of "hardscape" in the tank. I plan on keeping things low tech as I don't have fancy lights but I have looked into liquid ferts so will be adding those as appropriate.
I'm not keen on carpeting plants and I like clean lines like you get with some stemmed plants. If I were able to get something in there with a bit of red in that would be the cherry on top, so to speak
Sorry I know that's asking for a lot but really any input would be very welcome
You can see my tank as it currently stands in my signature. I have a large acryllic rock in the middle which I do like but am not overly attached to so I would be open to changing to something else. I do like the way it helps to use the height of my tank since it's square rather than long. And I would like to keep some element of "hardscape" in the tank. I plan on keeping things low tech as I don't have fancy lights but I have looked into liquid ferts so will be adding those as appropriate.
I'm not keen on carpeting plants and I like clean lines like you get with some stemmed plants. If I were able to get something in there with a bit of red in that would be the cherry on top, so to speak
Sorry I know that's asking for a lot but really any input would be very welcome