Help Me Identify This Fish, Please. :)


New Member
Mar 27, 2009
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I really hate to do this but my my wife and I have no idea what these fish are.
I really like them for some reason.  We picked up the two males a while ago.  Didn't know they were males until we picked up the two females over the weekend.
We bought them from Meijer's (a department store) and they had no tag for these fish either time these fish have been there.  Both times they have only had a couple.
So here they are.  (The green fish with red tips on the fins)
This is one of the males.


Here is a female

Here is a few of them together...

Male on the right and female on the left.

It was obvious that we had males initially.  Once we introduced the females the males went nuts.  It was fun to watch.
THANK YOU, to anyone that can help us.
They are a type of Killifish. I couldn't tell you what species, but I'm sure someone what can.
McCool said:
They are a type of Killifish. I couldn't tell you what species, but I'm sure someone what can.
Well that's more than I knew five minutes ago!  At least I have somewhere to start now!
Thank you!
Golden wonder panchax, Aplocheilus lineatus.
Just beat me to it, FM!

Tbf, it was an easy one, this time!
fluttermoth said:

Tbf, it was an easy one, this time!
I know, that's how come I knew what it was!!!
Thanks you two.  Hasn't been easy for us, lol.  I think the store might have gotten them by accident since they had no sign either time we picked them up and each time they only had a couple.
Searching the internet for "freshwater tropical fish green with red tip fins" and similar was not turning out well for me.  LOL
For some reason I like these guys.  Gonna have to keep my eye out for more.  (or maybe not now that we have males and females)
As said, Golden Wonder Panchax.
However, i do have more to contribute, having two males in anything but a massive tank with line-of-sight barriers is highly likely to result in a fight to the death as they mature. I reared a single fry to adulthood just under three years ago and gave him away at ~4cm SL when he was definitely a male, I did not want to have spent months raising him to be then killed by his father in a 4-foot tank.
I would take one male back ASAP and swap it for another female, again because through my own experience I have lost females through the persistant harrassment from my male, at least 3 females to a male spreads his urges far better.
N0body Of The Goat said:
As said, Golden Wonder Panchax.
However, i do have more to contribute, having two males in anything but a massive tank with line-of-sight barriers is highly likely to result in a fight to the death as they mature. I reared a single fry to adulthood just under three years ago and gave him away at ~4cm SL when he was definitely a male, I did not want to have spent months raising him to be then killed by his father in a 4-foot tank.
I would take one male back ASAP and swap it for another female, again because through my own experience I have lost females through the persistant harrassment from my male, at least 3 females to a male spreads his urges far better.
Thanks for that tip.  Our tank is not huge by any means at 46 gallons.  We've had the two males for a little over a month now so I don't think they would let me return him but quite a few of my friends and family have tanks so maybe one of them may want to adopt him.
Potentially agressive species too, will eat small fish and like NOTG said, males can get very nasty with each other.
MBOU said:
Potentially agressive species too, will eat small fish and like NOTG said, males can get very nasty with each other.
Thanks for that.  Currently there are no smaller fish at this time, though I do like Danios and intended to get some...
I've heard of these eating almost all of a woman's fish (neons, danios that sort of stuff) and beating up the rest of the fish including bristlenoses, however she only fed them once every 3 days, so they're were practically starving.
They would eat those kinda fish anyays, whether hungry or not! My male was so aggressive that he would bite and hang on to me until my hand bled!

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