Help! Loss Of Scales And Large White Spot

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May 9, 2012
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Okay, so I've got an aquarium with loads of bristlenose catfish in and a few other small fish. I recently was given some angel fish but gave them away as they were nipping all of my other fish. The bristlenose and another fish (which I'm slightly embarrassed to say I don't know the name of) have recently started to look 'ill'.

The catfish seem to be loosing large sections of their scales with large patches of their bodies looking white. The other fish (often referred to as Spike) has a large white spot on his back and seems to have lost all colour. He's usually a vibrant blue.

Any indication as to what is wrong with my fish would be greatly appreciated as it seems to be spreading across the catfish and I don't want it to eventually kill them or spread to the rest of my fish. I've attached photos so you can see exactly what I mean.


I had a tetra with the same type of large spot. He toughed it out for about 2-3 months and finally died. Unfortunately my tiger barbs got to it before I did and I ended up losing all of them in a couple days time. I believe it's some type of fungus. I check test the water and see if you have any inconsistencies, if so most likely some type of illness.

Did you clear coat those legos? I wonder if those are good for the tank water?
My sister put the Lego into the tank and I'm not sure whether she's treated it in anyway but as far as I'm aware Lego's non-toxic so could it still have created such a problem? =/

Have you seen the catfish picture (there's a link at the bottom of the post) do you think the two fishes conditions could be related?

I just want to know if I can treat them so I can get it sorted ASAP. I might try taking the pictures to a pet shop and asking for some advice.

Thanks! :)
My personal plan of attack would be a round of Melafix and Pimafix. Melafix is a natural anti-bacterial and Pimafix is its anti-fungal counterpart. This is where I would start. Also, keep your water pristine until this clears up. I would be doing 50% daily water changes, personally.

Depending on your water temperature now, you may want to turn it up a few degrees. Adding some salt may also be an option. Be sure to add an airstone as well.

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