Help!fish Is Sluggish Loss Of Balence

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Mostly New Member
Sep 11, 2013
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My long fin zebra danio was fine yesterday but I was about to flush him because I found him stuck to the filter today but he was still breathing so I put him away from the filter.he kinda floated on his side and then swam away really slow.this is a new fish ,had him for a few weeks he lives in a 20 gal with some tetras, platies ,a suckerfish ,2 other of his kind and some guppies.the tank was bought at the same time as him but I previously owned a 10 gal.
Can you post a picture? Do you see any injury along his body? 
Do a very large water change (at least 75 percent) with clean water. Check his body for wounds as well. He may recover given clean water and time, but you want to be sure that he doesn't take to infection.
the watr is brand new I put some stuff in it to remove chlorine and the like
 he was acting sluggish probably before he got stuck to the filter

he looks fine but he is acting weird

plus my camera sucks and wouldn't pick up much on a tiny fish body

but I guess now is the time to learn how to use my new syphon water changer/gravel cleaner thingamabob
Do a water change anyway. What are your water stats (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH)? What temperature? If your fish was sluggish before he got stuck, it could have been because it was suffering from a variety of issues such as ammonia or nitrite poisoning, bloating, swim bladder issues... You say you got the tank and the fish on the same day, which seems to imply that you did not do a fish-less cycle (where you added ammonia, tested the water, waited for ammonia to drop to nitrite...). Depending on how long you have had the tank, your fish may be swimming in ammonia water. 
What is your filtration like?
had no choice had an issue with old tank had to put them in the new tank right away

the filteration is fine
since im only 15 my parents have a lot of say in this stuff and my dad used to keep fish he doesn't think I need water testing stuff I know I do but what am I supposed to tell him without getting in trouble?

he usually knows what is right but nobody is perfect... 
Did you move your old filter over or are you using a brand new one? To find out your water's parameters you could bring a sample of water to your LFS (if you're able to get there without your parents) and have them test it for you!
Also, I believe Zebra Danios are a schooling fish and need to be in a bigger group than just three! They may be feeling vulnerable and stressed being in such a small group!
ok ill buy some more wen we go to the store my mom gets other pet stuff at

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