Fish Crazy
I am having problems as I have a 3 month running tank, the filter cycled fishless, my fish are flashing and have no other symptoms no spots or anything all eat well, I lost 2 ottocinclus, but these were new, one of the group of 3 (new ones) is still ok, two from another group are fine. I fed courgette/zucchini as they ate all the algae, but had problems with a slimed up filter, I did a part water change cleaned the filter, after this I got a nitrite spike, so I added another filter along with the other this one was half cycled (done in a bucket) checked the water parameters everything normal again 0 ammonia 0 nitite, fish still flashing, this is doing my head in as I don't know what else to do.
Tonight just now I did a 90% water change and have removed the courgette (changed every 12 hours) the fish are a lot happier, but still flashing, I am trying to feed algae wafers and seaweed for the ottos instead as the courgette even when left for just 12 hours causes filter problems, blocking them with slime, other fish are 8 cherry barbs, 10 zebra danios 7 xrays 1 siamese fighter 100 litre long tank, my tap water is 37ppm nitrate (could this be the cause ?) I started another dose of protozin, this is driving me crazy!
Tonight just now I did a 90% water change and have removed the courgette (changed every 12 hours) the fish are a lot happier, but still flashing, I am trying to feed algae wafers and seaweed for the ottos instead as the courgette even when left for just 12 hours causes filter problems, blocking them with slime, other fish are 8 cherry barbs, 10 zebra danios 7 xrays 1 siamese fighter 100 litre long tank, my tap water is 37ppm nitrate (could this be the cause ?) I started another dose of protozin, this is driving me crazy!