Help! Fish Dying


New Member
Oct 4, 2013
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I had a ten gallon community tank with five neon tetras a copper tetra a zebra snail and 3 other mystery fish. Now I have the same thing -2 neons. What could be killing them? One got sucked up the filter so I put a piece of nylon over the filter intake. The dead two were new to my tank so not sure if they were ill or not. I am afraid that one of my fish is fin nipping as the fish all look a little ruf. Some have little white spots on them but I am not sure if it is ich or bits of dead skin from the possible fin nipping. I have ich meds but am not sure what to do.
Please help!
to TFF.
The majority of fish deaths are caused by poor water quality, especially if you have had a series of them. I'm going to ask you a few questions, the answers to which will help us all to give the best advice we can.
1) How long has the tank been set up?
2) How did you cycle the filter (ie grow the beneficial bacteria) ?
3) What are your current levels of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
4) What is the pH of the tank water?
5) How often do you change water in your tank?
6) When you do the above, how much do you change?
7) Do you use any chemical additives in your water (eg water conditioner, pH adjusters, etc) ?
8) When did you last add anything to the tank, and what was it?
Give us some answers, we'll give you some advice!

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