sorry do not know what fill on the form means, no new objects. did a remove all rocks cleaning today, found about 6 fish bodies. thinking maybe my test kit is bad, gonna take water to fish store tomorrow.
40 gal tank now 5 female guppies
approx 36 female platties.
grandaughter visited around march and moved about 30 females into this tank from male tank, discovered my filter was missinf sponges for bio buildup. had ammonia spike lost bunch of fish, did major water changes, bought new filter. been a couple of months all seemed well, test kit said 0 ammonia, this week fish started dying again. thought I was removing them right away, continued doing 1/4 water change weekly, just switched to bi weekly
guppies, platties 1 bristlenose Pleco, don't wanna lose him, should I move him to my 55 gal tank ? regular large pleco in there.
thankyou carol