Help! Compatible Fish With Tiger Barbs


New Member
May 31, 2012
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Currently i have 5 TigerBarbs (about 1.5 inch) in my 30 gallons tank. What fish can I add to my tank? But max growth size is about 4 inch!

Can I add some Dwarf Gourami?

Please tell my the name and amount i can keep!!!

Thank you soso much!!
If I were you, I would not get any Dwarf Gouramis or other fish with long fins. Tiger Barbs have a bit of a reputation for fin-nipping and I remember having problems with them in my old tank, even though they were only babies.

I would suggest a nice group of albino or peppered cory catfish, about six to eight. If you choose cory cats or any other fish, you should probably be alright with most fish that do not have long flowy fins.
Cory's would be good. Stay away from any slow fish or fish that have long fins. There are several different barbs out there that would work..cherry, albino, green, rosey, etc. Also several types of tetras would work, mine are with buneo aires tetra and they do GREAT together.
Depends what look you are going for, you could up your tiger barb numbers, you could add another 5 green or albinos or more normals.

Or if you wanted different species... rosy barbs, odessa barbs (both assuming the temperatures arent too high) Rhombo Barbs, Buenos Aires Tetra, Columbian Tetra, Red Eye Ttra, Emperor Tetra, Black Neons, Lemon Tetra, Red or Black Phantom Tetras, Dwarf Neon Rainbows, Rummy Nose Tetras, Neon Tetras (risky as they are small)....

Just to name a few!

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