Help Fish


Mostly New Member
Feb 22, 2014
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I have had my 60l BiOrb set up for 2 weeks, I have 2 male black mollies and 8 platys.
Now, there are at least 4 solid black fish about 1cm swimming around. Both the mollies look the same and were sexed into an all male tank in the fish store.

What's happened and what can I do to help the fry?
I have a 20l tank set up for 5 days, but has no heater.

Any help would be much appreciated.
Just because they appear black now doesn't mean they will stay that way. Either you were sold a female black molly by mistake or one of the platies just had babies. Congratulations. You really need the heater unless your water temp stays steady. the first thing I would do is go to the lps and get a bunch of plants and a heater. The plants will give the fry a place to hide and be safe.
Ok, thank you :) my community tank is well planted and with volcanic rock covering the bottom were the 4 fry seem to be hiding. Thank you, will leave them in the tank and see what happens, fought the platys breeding last night so should see a lot more fry soon hopefully.

Many thanks
Before I had a fry tank I used to make a tunnel under the plastic plants so the fry could hide safely it worked for me until I had too many and now have over 80 I na 48l tank just for them

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