New Member
Hello there! I guess I should start this off. First off, despite my username, I'm not Russian. I'm more American than I am human! I would bleed to keep the stripe of my flag red. Marine Corps. is my life goal. As far as tanks, I've got a 55 with an oscar and a pleco, and a 30 with sever fish. They include: betta(nothing messes with him and he loves the current surprisingly), bichir, guppies, loaches(2), cichlids(convict and firemouth, they're all an inch so they are very friendly with the others but are too small for the oscar), upside down catfish, and some shrimp. Please respect my decisions and don't comment "too small" "minimum tank size is" because I KNOW. I agree the 30 is over stocked but they are all small ATM and half of them are there until they're a suitable size. Other than that, I'm kind of a donkey-hole when someone gets on my nerves, but I'm chill most of the time so don't worry.