

Mostly New Member
Jan 28, 2014
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Hi! I've just set up my first tank at home (brackish with a figure eight puffer, hopefully going to add a couple of bumble bee gobies in the future). Despite working as an aquarist for nearly two years now I've never kept fish at home so I figured it'd be good to sign up to some forums
to the forum.
Would love to see some pics.
He's very hard to get pictures of as he never seems to stop moving! Here's the best I've managed so far (apologies for the size, I have no idea how to resize)
:wub: D'awww, what a cutie.
mrstwalker said:
Welcome! I would love to see your tank!
It's a little boring at the moment but I'm waiting on some more bits and bobs being delivered to make it look a little nicer (and try and hide some of the pipework etc!) so I'll try and get some nice pictures once it's looking a bit better
Ninjouzata said:
D'awww, what a cutie.
I can't resist their daft cute faces
He's a figure eight puffer. I'm sure I'll be bombarding you guys with plenty more pictures of him before long
I believe there are a few puffer species which are truly freshwater (I assume that's what you mean when you say tropical) but a lot that are advertised or sold as freshwater puffers should be kept in brackish water
Puffer_Nat said:
I believe there are a few puffer species which are truly freshwater (I assume that's what you mean when you say tropical) but a lot that are advertised or sold as freshwater puffers should be kept in brackish water
What's brackish water? :eek:

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