

New Member
Nov 5, 2013
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Hello I am Starfishy6660.
I have had my fish tank (36 gallons/120 litres) for a year. I have 7 neon tetras, 5 cory catfish (2 albino, 1 panda and 2 others), 3 YoYo loaches, 2 Gourami's and a few snails which the YoYo loaches are getting around too fast. I only got the YoYo loaches at the weekend. I will post a picture when I work out how to do it..
My question is should I get a couple more YoYo loaches. The fish shop told me 3 would be a good number but I have read on-line that you should have at least 5 of them.
to the forum!
Look forwards to seeing the pic of your tank set up and stocking.
You can post pictures through photo bucket or flicker and use the URL code to add to posts on the media icon.
I'm not sure about yo yo loaches to be honest, would have thought they need a bigger tank than your 120l tank but hopefully someone will come and give you a straight answer about that.
Hope you enjoy the forum! 
Welcome to the forum!
The yo-yo's will most definitely outgrow the tank, and need to be kept in groups of 6+. They'd also prefer sand substrate for their barbels.
They can get up to 6". I think the minimum tank size for them is something like a 50-55g but having them in the right numbers takes up a lot of bioload in that.
Keep an eye on your gourami as the yo-yo's can be a little nippy and the gourami of course has those cute feelers trailing down.
Quite honestly I've never had them, but have tried reading a little bit. If any of this was wrong someone please correct me, for the sake of the OP and me, as I'd like some one day as well

Also a bit concerned about your cories, as they prefer to be with their own..type? (I never can remember the word for it) They also prefer groups of 6+.
Like the albinos are aeneus & the panda is, actually, panda. :lol:
If you can post some pictures of them I'm sure someone can help you ID the other ones you have!
Hey Starfishy
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