Hello World And Fluval Edge 12 Gallon Stocking.


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Oct 16, 2012
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First I would like to say hello since I am new to this forum.

Now that we got that out of the way, I would like some help choosing stock for a fluval edge tank.

This is what I would like to have.
3* Guppy
5* Kuhli Loach
5* celestial Pearl Danio
5* Neon Tetra

Would these fish be compatible with the tank and with each other, if not what should I change?

Thanks for helping/looking.
First of all, welcome to the forums! I just arrived here myself.

In my opinion, the fish would most likely get along, but here is what may be an even better plan.

3 Guppy - These will be fine in your tank, just be sure to watch out for breeding!
5 Kuhli Loach - They will eventually outgrow your tank, so it may be a good idea to leave them out altogether, unless you plan on getting a bigger tank later on.
5 Celestial Pearl Danio - I would choose between these and the Neon Tetras and make an even bigger school of 6-8 fish.
5 Neon Tetra - See above.

Another great fish that you could add in a tank that size would be Pygmy Cories and they would give you some dimension to the bottom level of the tank, which you will be missing once you take the Kuhli Loaches off of your list.

Other members will most likely have more ideas for you to think about as well. Good luck!
The problem with the 46 litre (12 gall) Edge is that it has the same footprint as the 23 litre version, it's just taller. With a footprint of 43 x 26 cm (17 x 10 inches) it is rather small for even pygmy cories. But I do agree with MooKretzelMan that it is also too small (ie not enough swimming length) for neon tetras.

I'd agree on increasing the numbers of cpd's instead of both them and neons, and I'd also suggest replacing the guppies with half a dozen male endlers. Males so the tank wouldn't get overpopulated, and endlers because they are smaller than guppies.

It still leaves the problem of bottom dwellers though.
For the bottom maybe add some otocinclus, they have a bad rep for being "slime suckers". Wouldn't be a problem for your set-up. Another option would be a dwarf bristlenose plec. Get one small, they take an age to grow and aren't too shy. Very nice looking as well.
I wouldn't put a bristlenose in a tank the size of the larger Edge. It is not good practice to get fish that will grow too big for the tank.
otos would work as long as the tank was allowed to mature first - don't get them for at last 6 months after the filter has cycled.
IMO a true dwarf bristlenose (111029; 3" max size) would be fine, tho care has to be taken to ensure you're not sold a juvenile standard one. I have had mine now for 9 months and it is only just approaching 2".
Thank for the information which I've absorbed and used to make a new stock list.

My new stock list
7 X celestia pearl danio
2 X Otocinclus Vastitus
2 X licorice Gourami

Is this new list ok or is it still overstocked?
otos are schooling fish and like to be kept in groups of 3 or more, preferably 6

7 cpd
6 ottos


7 cpd
3 ottos
1(maybe 2) licorice gouramis

4 cpd
5 ottos
2 licorice gouramis
4 cpd
5 ottos
2 licorice gouramis

Would this work?
5 cpd
5 ottos
2 licorice gouramis

Since the cpd needs to be kept in groups of 5 as well and the licorice gouramis will be lonesome by itself.

I've just did some research and found that keeping one gouramis is preferred as the males will fight each other.

So here is the updated stock list.

5 cpd
6 ottos
1 licorice gouramis

Does this stock list have any issues that needs addressing?

Once again I would like to thank people for helping and giving me good information.
This may be a silly question, but will there be breathing space at the top of the tank for a gourami? I haven't seen an Edge filled in person, but in the shop it looked like the entire top was filled with water, bar one area. I am not sure what that area looks like when the tank is running.
4 cpd
5 ottos
2 licorice gouramis

Would this work?
5 cpd
5 ottos
2 licorice gouramis

Since the cpd needs to be kept in groups of 5 as well and the licorice gouramis will be lonesome by itself.

I've just did some research and found that keeping one gouramis is preferred as the males will fight each other.

So here is the updated stock list.

5 cpd
6 ottos
1 licorice gouramis

Does this stock list have any issues that needs addressing?

Once again I would like to thank people for helping and giving me good information.

I don't think it will work, as already mentioned how are the gouramis going to breed?
Also, 6 ottos in a tank this size will never survive. There never will be enough algae for 6 of them to eat, and based on my experience it is hard to teach them to eat anything else. I am still trying with mine. I would get 2 ottos max and although they are schooling species, they need a larger tank for that to happen and they don't seem to school really unless threatened by other fish. Also, you do need to wait at least 6 months for your tank to mature before getting them if you don't want to risk them all dying on you. They are not bottom feeders!!! And a planted tank is a must for them to survive.

Your original plan of guppies and pearl danios is better, just get the guppies all males so they don't breed.
2-3 guppies, 5 CPDs and 6 pygmy corys or just get 5 CPDs and 5-6 pygmy corys as all these will be pushing it stocking wise. Instead of the pygmy cories, you can try finding a dwarf pleco or get 2 otocinclus. Don't get all fish at once and cycle your tank first. The best and safest is fishless cycling. I am only presuming, but if you want to know how to cycle a tank if you haven't already, here is a nice link with all info you need and different methods:

This may be a silly question, but will there be breathing space at the top of the tank for a gourami? I haven't seen an Edge filled in person, but in the shop it looked like the entire top was filled with water, bar one area. I am not sure what that area looks like when the tank is running.

There is a little hole were the filter goes in, however I was planning to use an airstone which breaks the waters tension thus providing more oxygen.
Would that work?

Also, 6 ottos in a tank this size will never survive. There never will be enough algae for 6 of them to eat, and based on my experience it is hard to teach them to eat anything else. I am still trying with mine.

Your original plan of guppies and pearl danios is better, just get the guppies all males so they don't breed.

Would they eat New life H20 stable wafers?
I only ask due to my success in getting a moorish idol to eat the NLF marine pallets and moorish idols are know to be very picky eaters.

Wouldn't getting all male guppies cause them to fight?
I think your original stocking minus the khuli loach would have been far better.

You wont beable to keep Licorice Gouramis in that tank, no air breathing fish (labyrinth fish) are any good in the tank (gouramis, paradise fish, fighters) but also Licorice Gouramis need a LOT of work to get the ph and softness down so low, you certainly couldnt use tap water...

I dont think 46L is too small a tank for neons, even in that shape, have kept them in the edge tank perfectly wellm same with the pygmy cories, they do just great as well....

Personally I would stick to your original stocking:

5 x neon tetra
5 x celestial pearl danios
3 x male guppies (definately no females!! get three different colloured males as a feature fish)

Any bottom dwellers will be months down the line but something like 3-4 pygmy cories or better still, get a decent group of cherry shrimp!
This may be a silly question, but will there be breathing space at the top of the tank for a gourami? I haven't seen an Edge filled in person, but in the shop it looked like the entire top was filled with water, bar one area. I am not sure what that area looks like when the tank is running.

There is a little hole were the filter goes in, however I was planning to use an airstone which breaks the waters tension thus providing more oxygen.
Would that work?

Also, 6 ottos in a tank this size will never survive. There never will be enough algae for 6 of them to eat, and based on my experience it is hard to teach them to eat anything else. I am still trying with mine.

Your original plan of guppies and pearl danios is better, just get the guppies all males so they don't breed.

Would they eat New life H20 stable wafers?
I only ask due to my success in getting a moorish idol to eat the NLF marine pallets and moorish idols are know to be very picky eaters.

Wouldn't getting all male guppies cause them to fight?

The gouramis need access to the surface to breathe. The male guppies won't fight. I have all males together myself. They stick and swim together, play and chase but absolutely no damage to each other.

Would they eat New life H20 stable wafers?

I don't have this particular New life spectrum type, but have 4 different other types of New life spectrum sinking wafers and several other brands. And they don't eat it, not so far. Plus, they are pure vegetarians. If they eat wafers, it will be algae based ones. You may have more luck with cucumber and blanched zucchini but if the tank is not planted, I wouldn't get ottos.

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