Hello To Everyone


New Member
Jan 24, 2014
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Hello to everyone!
Just found this forum. I am passionated about fish, cats and tattoos. I actually came to this forum while looking for tattoos with fish (koi fish) because I want to get one. But I'm also interested in fish in general, so this forum is a good find for me. I'll stick around and hopefully I'll get some friends in the process.
So, Hi, I am new here. How are you?
:hi: to the forum :)
We'll make a fishkeeper of you yet ;)
 to the Forum!
Do you already have a tank set up with fish? 
If so, what do currently have?
We always enjoy reading and seeing pics of others sets ups. We're a pretty nosey bunch! 

Hope you enjoy the forum.
All my favorite things also include tattoos, fish and cats! also art :) i am hoping to become a tattoo artist :)

Welcome to the forum
Hello! Sorry for the late reply.
Altough I am passionated about fish, I don't have a tank at the moment. I wish I would have one. But I have four cats (if that counts). 
@Fish Fanatic do you have cats?
Welcome :)
You should definitely consider getting a tank!
It has to be one of the best things I have ever bought for my house...

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