Hello There, Newbie Here.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Hello there everyone, this forum was recommended to me from The Parrot Club forum I'm on as I am just starting my first aquarium. Firstly my name is Ben, I'm from Abingdon, Oxfordshire and despite a house full of parrots, rodents and some strange axolotl things my partner has, I've decided to fulfill an ambition of having a marine aquarium.
Having only very beginner knowledge and not wanting to harm any fish or other sea creatures I am starting with a freshwater tank and trying to keep things simple. I have a juwel vision 180 which I've fitted an Eheim external filter, upgraded the lights to the T5 tubes. I've decided I wanted real plants so at the moment I'm setting things up, I've got the substrate down, some bog wood, stones etc and I've planted my first lot of plants. I'm collecting some more plants, some grasses and moss this Saturday to finish it off. The tank is currently cycling with some shrimp and 10 danios. Apologies if my terminology is nonsensical, I'm still learning!
I'll try and stick a photo on so please be gentle :)
I joined the forum as the Parrot Club is such a good community of people with lots of advice and friendly chit chat so any pointers you have I'd really appreciate it.
Hello, welcome! :)
Make sure to do lots of water changes while your tank is cycling. Do you have a test kit?
Having the plants should help with things as they use nitrate (I think they also use ammonia but I'm not 100% sure on that).
You should start up a journal in the planted tank journal section as we would all love to follow your progress! :)
Hello :)
I am testing the water regularly and although there was a slight rise in ammonia after the fish went in over a week ago, it's now flattened off. Should I still do water changes if the levels are ok?
Most people carry out water changes when ever the ammonia is .25 ppm. I personally wouldn't risk going any higher because any ammonia is toxic! (I think it may depend on your pH as to how toxic it is although I'm not 100% sure on that sorry)
Have you read up on fish in cycling?
If not (or even if you have) I would recommend going to this link as its very useful: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/277264-beginners-resource-center/
Hey!! Fancy meeting you here

I have to admit to not visiting here as often as I should but since I managed to cure myself of my MTS [multi tank syndrome] my tanks are pretty settled. Blondielovesfish has pointed you in the right direction with the beginners resource centre.... hours of reading there lol
Lisa x
Welcome to the forum! :)
I joined recently, and I promise you, you'll love it here. I've begun to take any advice here over the advice from pet shops. xD
Why hello there Lisa, I get the feeling you're following me! :)
Hello ReiRei, I'm always cautious of the pet shops although where I live I'm blessed with 2 very good, long established places, The Goldfish Bowl in Oxford and Coxwell aquatics in Didcot. Both have given me solid advice with the undertone of selling me stuff but I do know that the best places for info are the keepers of fish, not the sellers. It's the same with parrots, my other passion.
Thanks for the link Blondie, I'll give it a good read later but I need cake first, all reading must be accompanied by battenberg or at least a French fancie.
divegirl said:
since I managed to cure myself of my MTS

WHAT? How is this possible? I smell witchcraft!! BURN HER!!!!!

Why would you want to be cured of MTS anyway?

Lots of good advice here. Too bad you started with fish already, but that works for some people and I wish you the best of luck with your new tank!
As above, test your water daily, and if there is ANY sign of ammonia or nitrites, do a water change. If you don't see any rise, still do a healthy water change at least once a week to keep it nice and healthy.
Starting with fish wasn't the intention but we had some issues with another tank that my partner was setting up for some axolotls so they were supposed to be going in temporarily, they are still there but not for long!
the_lock_man said:
since I managed to cure myself of my MTS

WHAT? How is this possible? I smell witchcraft!! BURN HER!!!!!

Why would you want to be cured of MTS anyway?
hahahh...No withcraft... I bought a parrot!!  I still have two tanks but was running six and with five dogs, 2 cats and working full time it was just getting too much.  So now I'm happy with a 30l with Foo my Siamese Fighter and have just gone FO marine with a species only tank of humbug damselfish.... so still keeping my finger in.
Lisa x
I think fish are a doddle compared to parrots, at least fish don't swear, give attitude or throw their dinner at you when they don't like eating vegetables again! :)
What parrot did you get, Divegirl? I used to own an African Grey when I was younger.
I've got a grey, a Quaker and 3 cockatiels. A bit different to fish!

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