I have some red minor tetras, diamond tetras, neon tetras, black skirt tetras, guppies, platys, Dalmatian mollies, balloon mollies, Cory catfish, pleco, and 3 snails
What kind of pleco do you have? I had a run of the mill regular plecostomus in a community tank that turned into a nightmare. He got really big and territorial, stopped eating algae and started flipping over on his belly and eating fish food. It was cute at first -until he started eliminating the competition. He squished everybody (except my cories). I have since stuck with Otocinclus, albino bristlenose and rubber lip (bull dog) pleco's. -Albino Bristlenose won't eat my plants and don't get mean, the only downsize is they're pretty shy (I think I have 6 IDK I only see them when I clean the tank out) Bulldog pleco's are rowdy and get territorial but they also don't get 2 feet long and homicidal. I have never seen a fish clean glass like a rubber pleco can, they're like a living squeegee. Otocinclus are peaceful, also very, VERY good algae eaters can't recommend them enough for a community tank.