Hello Newbie To The Hobby


Mostly New Member
Aug 26, 2014
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I recently purchased a complete tropical setup with fish and me and the other half decided the tank we had purchased was not as big as we would like. So we purchased a new 180 litre tank and installed new shingle but transfered the tank plants , bog wood ect over and dropped the water across as well and had to add quite a large amount of prepped fresh water due to the size of the tank. At the same time we changed from an internal filter to an external fluval 406 filter this was all done a few days ago. I tested the water tonight with a Nutrafin Test kit and got following readings

PH 7.5 - 8.0
Ammonia 0.0
Nitrate 20.00
Nitrite 0.0 - 0.1

Are those readings acceptable and are they likely to stay like that as its all new filtration system and stones. Have we done right doing all those alterations and is it likely to cause any harm to the fish.

Thanks in advance
to TFF, Marty! Hope you enjoy it here.
Congratulations on the upgrade, I'm sure your fish are enjoying it and hope you are too. I'd love to see some pictures!
Did you save the filter media from your previous filter and put it in this new one? If not then you are likely going to have to cycle the tank all over again.
If you don't know what cycling is you can read about it HERE. You cannot do that one since I believe you've moved the fish over already so you may want to read about fish-in cycling HERE and HERE.
If you would like to do a fish-less cycle (recommended) it might be good to put your fish in something like a rubbermaid storage tote (or their old tank if you still have it) and do water changes on that while cycling the new tank.
What type of fish do you have by the way?

Thanks for the welcome.

I did not transfer any of the filter media over as I thought I had to use the correct items that came with the the external filter as old tank was an internal filter.

As for the fish that are in the tank im still learning them I know there is a red finned shark and an angel fish and some plecs but the rest Im still finding out what they are as they came with the secondhand setup we bought.

I have attached some pictures ill get some better ones during day tomorrow.



I will go have a read about the cycling in the links you provided

they looks like platys to me! ( the small guys with the dark tails) ! had LOTS of them and only started with 3... with all the plants you have lots of babies will survive! I love the setup! congrats:)

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