Hi all
Just joined after reading some post's that I found while googling for information, thought I would say hello and tell you a little about myself.
My name is John and I have had a few years enjoying this hobby, it started about 35 years ago was I was 15 or so, my dad brought a tank and set it up in the living room as a community tank, he soon got fed up with it an I took over within 12 months I had gone from that to 3 4ft tanks in my bedroom breeding cichlids, convicts, jack Dempsey s Fire mouths and kept a couple of beautiful Oscars for about 6 years, then when I moved out and got married sadly I had to let everything go and so fell out of the hobby for a long time, until last year in fact, when a friend of a friend offered me an 80L set-up with a few fish for free, so I jumped at the chance, when I collected it it was filthy how the fish were surviving amazed me, it had some much algae on the glass you could barely make out the hideous florescent pink and blue gravel and sponge bob ornament, somewhere in the murk was a couple of neon tetras a glowlight, bristlenose plec and some danios. well I managed to clean it all up and kept the filter media and happily the fish survived, added new gravel and some live plants and eventually added more fish to make up some nice shoals of tetras and 4 peppered corys, (I love those little fellas and girl), and this is the result.
that was last August, the tanks has changed a lot since then, but I don't have any recent photos, camera not working at mo and phone pics a next to useless, will try and get some pictures soon of how it looks now, it 's now a live bearer tank with guppies and dalmatian mollies and still have my corries sadly now only 3 lost a male a few weeks after adding them.
I have just brought a new tank from fleabay 4ft x 2 ft x 15" collecting it this weekend, so that is going to be my new project to take me trough the summer, have to build a stand etc for it, will keep you posted of how that goes,
Anyway enough of my wittering, it's good to be here and look forward to harrasing you all for information, its been a while out of the hobby and things have changed a little in 30 years.
My Setup
Jewel 80L tank
18w light tube
APL 1000EF filter
200w heater
Rocks and bogwood
Anubia Nana
Java Fern
Java Moss
and some small grass dont know the name possible sag
3 Peppered cory, 1 female 2 males
Dalamtion molly, 1 Male 2 females
Guppies, 2 male 6 female + about 20 babies of various sizes and sexes, these are removed when big enough and given away, re-homed
and I think a bristlenose plec about 3"
oh and a small dark shrimp that had survived from the filthy tank when I got it
Just joined after reading some post's that I found while googling for information, thought I would say hello and tell you a little about myself.
My name is John and I have had a few years enjoying this hobby, it started about 35 years ago was I was 15 or so, my dad brought a tank and set it up in the living room as a community tank, he soon got fed up with it an I took over within 12 months I had gone from that to 3 4ft tanks in my bedroom breeding cichlids, convicts, jack Dempsey s Fire mouths and kept a couple of beautiful Oscars for about 6 years, then when I moved out and got married sadly I had to let everything go and so fell out of the hobby for a long time, until last year in fact, when a friend of a friend offered me an 80L set-up with a few fish for free, so I jumped at the chance, when I collected it it was filthy how the fish were surviving amazed me, it had some much algae on the glass you could barely make out the hideous florescent pink and blue gravel and sponge bob ornament, somewhere in the murk was a couple of neon tetras a glowlight, bristlenose plec and some danios. well I managed to clean it all up and kept the filter media and happily the fish survived, added new gravel and some live plants and eventually added more fish to make up some nice shoals of tetras and 4 peppered corys, (I love those little fellas and girl), and this is the result.
that was last August, the tanks has changed a lot since then, but I don't have any recent photos, camera not working at mo and phone pics a next to useless, will try and get some pictures soon of how it looks now, it 's now a live bearer tank with guppies and dalmatian mollies and still have my corries sadly now only 3 lost a male a few weeks after adding them.
I have just brought a new tank from fleabay 4ft x 2 ft x 15" collecting it this weekend, so that is going to be my new project to take me trough the summer, have to build a stand etc for it, will keep you posted of how that goes,
Anyway enough of my wittering, it's good to be here and look forward to harrasing you all for information, its been a while out of the hobby and things have changed a little in 30 years.
My Setup
Jewel 80L tank
18w light tube
APL 1000EF filter
200w heater
Rocks and bogwood
Anubia Nana
Java Fern
Java Moss
and some small grass dont know the name possible sag
3 Peppered cory, 1 female 2 males
Dalamtion molly, 1 Male 2 females
Guppies, 2 male 6 female + about 20 babies of various sizes and sexes, these are removed when big enough and given away, re-homed
and I think a bristlenose plec about 3"
oh and a small dark shrimp that had survived from the filthy tank when I got it