Hello From Sth East Melbourne


Mostly New Member
Jul 5, 2014
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Gday, been stalking this forum for awhile, thought id better join, theres heaps of great info on here...
ok so it started 3 years ago with a 250l tank as a present from my wife..
and now we have 5 tanks..lol
the 250l tank started of as just gold fish, then bristlenose where added along with 2 anglefish and two silver sharks..not knowing much, i seen two cute little red tiger oscars at petbarn, so i took them home...well that was a eyeopner(and no shop didnt say anything on the size or damage they will do...lol)
so after 2-3 months...seen one of the silver sharks in the mouth of the oscar..
then noticed all the fish were being hassled by these two huge messy buggers...
so we got a new tank and moved the gold fish into that...
after awhile i took the two oscars to a new home and got guppies instead...
so we needed to get another tank for the babies (within 2 days of coming home)
with all these visits to lots of differant LFS, my wife wanted Fighter fish...so yep a new tank again...lol
well thats enough crapping on....see ya in the forums..

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