Mostly New Member
Howdy Folks,
I recently introduced myself into the aquarium world. I found a 55 gallon with full set up on craigslist and, for some reason, bought it. As of right now I have 20 fish. I have 4 dalmation mollies, 2 sunburst platies, 10 or so guppies, 2 ghost (glass) catfish, 2 african spotted frogs, 2 Pink glofish Tetra (that's what they look like anyway), 1 albino Pleco and Black Pleco. Well.. that's 24 fish. Anyway.. I do not know anyone that's in the 'business' so I figured I would jump on a forum to get some advice.
I recently introduced myself into the aquarium world. I found a 55 gallon with full set up on craigslist and, for some reason, bought it. As of right now I have 20 fish. I have 4 dalmation mollies, 2 sunburst platies, 10 or so guppies, 2 ghost (glass) catfish, 2 african spotted frogs, 2 Pink glofish Tetra (that's what they look like anyway), 1 albino Pleco and Black Pleco. Well.. that's 24 fish. Anyway.. I do not know anyone that's in the 'business' so I figured I would jump on a forum to get some advice.