Hello And Help, Im Totally New To Keeping Fish


Mostly New Member
Sep 3, 2013
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me and him indoors were looking for a new hobby and we both decided we'd love to get involved with having an aquarium and keeping tropical fish.  we bought an aquarium off gumtree its 3 foot long and about 2 foot wide, it also came with fish (the guy said he didnt want them and he had no where to put them, he diddnt say this over the phone though) basically they were fancy gold fish and a very large pleco, we have found homes for all the fish and took the pleco to a pet shop who have since sold it, (i was a bit scared of the pleco it was about 10 inches long and huge).
weve had this tank for about a month and took the last 3 goldfish out yesterday, ( they are in a smaller tank and are going to my grandaughters home).
we have since put a heater in, changed the gravel, and now tank is empty of fish but full of water has two plastic plants and two ornaments full of algae, oh and two new lights, a blue one and a white one that cost the earth,  we have put in tap safe stuff and thats about it, what do we do next ? help, oh p.s. we live in a soft water area
any help and advise will be very much appreciated,
thank you
Next....you read the cycling link in my signature :)

Providing you didn't change anything in the filter, the cycle won't take too long. :)

After that, you start planning your stocking :)
Hello, and welcome! Did you leave the filter on the big tank or is it with the goldfish on the smaller tank?
Since you have soft water and already some algae on decor some Otocinclus would probably love it in your tank! Provided the filter is cycled, meaning it has beneficial bacteria that can handle the Ammonia from the fish waste.
wow thank you very much for your quick informative advise
, the filter ect is still in the big tank (the little tank we bought for grandaughter and goldfish had a fitler with it ),   i will be looking at cycling link and im so excited at getting started so soon, googled Otocinclus and will get some of them,
thank you xx
How big is the tank you put the goldfish in?
Have you done any water changes and if so did you use dechlorinator? If everything was done to keep the bacteria alive up until now then you are already at the point where you can safely add fish! Do you have a liquid test kit? You could test for Nitrate, a cycled tank will have Nitrate in the water. 
A liquid test kit is more accurate than those dip stick tests! You will need this test kit oftentimes to check for Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate as well as pH!
If your filter lost the cycle (the beneficial bacteria) you will need the test kit daily at least once. During the cycling of a tank it is best not to add fish. Especially not the Otos, they are very sensitive and would not survive the cycling of the tank.

Oh, and I'd also like to add that if the goldfish would have to remain in the smaller tank for a few days, it would be best to return them to the big tank! First because it will be better for them, second their waste will keep the bacteria alive, if your filter on the big tank is still cycled!

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