Hello And A Tank Stocking Question


New Member
Mar 9, 2012
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North Yorkshire
Hi, I'm new to the forum, but have been keeping tropical aquariums for about 8 or 9 years .... which means I still have lots of questions!

So, my first question is about re-stocking my larger aquarium (300 litres). We've previously had this tank stocked as a community with (over the years) a variety of (mostly) small shoaling fish such as neons, rasboras, tetras, as well as two forays into guppies (but that always ends up with hundreds of fish!). Anyway, I've let the tank naturally deplete (plus a few sales) over the last year or so as I'd like to have something different. So, I now have just two (male & female) bristlenose plecos, currently about 3in long, and I would really appreciate some ideas/suggestions re: restocking my tank. I've been thinking of maybe getting some gouramis but I've not had them before and the info on the internet is a bit confusing when it comes to how many and which types, so I was really hoping you guys could help. Specifically, I'd like to know which species of gourami I could keep together, how many of each would be best, and what other fish do you think would work well? Oh and I should say that I've just replanted the tank, so it's now fairly well planted, and also has a few largeish stones and a large piece of bogwood, and the substrate is sand at one end graduating into gravel/pebbles across the tank. And also - I'm not fixed on gouramis, so open to alternative suggestions - really looking at small to middle sized fish this time (preferably not too expensive!), with some colour and interest going on if that makes sense.

Sorry for such a long waffling first post!!! Thanks, in advance, for your help xx
Hmm, I would recommend a stocking along the lines of

30 cardinal tetras
2 bristlenoses
10 sparkling gouramis 3 males 7 females
25 Pygmy corydoras

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