Heeeeelp!!! Threadworms


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
Alright I need some advice. :sad: Today I was noticing that my male cherry barb is just acting weirder and weirder - he has been hanging about with his head down at about a 45 degree angle, and today he didn't eat. So of course I took a very close view, since he usually is hidden... and discovered to my horror, worms hanging out of his anus!! :blink: Then I checked my female cherry barb, and she had the same problem, and even worse. The platies and gouramis in there are fine, no symptoms, and are eating their hearts out.

I freaked out, I didn't know what to do - did research and found that it is threadworms... I didn't want to treat the whole tank, since the meds I have are not safe for crustaceans, and of course I have a ghost shrimp in there who I couldn't find! :crazy: Anyways... argh, I sacrified the betta breeding setup, filled it to the top, emptied out ornaments, etc, and put them in there.

The temp in the tank is about 80-82, I added some salt, and Jungle Parasite Clear Tank Buddies. The info I found online said that treatments were rarely succesful, so if anyone has advice or success stories, PLEASE share. I don't want to lose them, I've had them quite awhile. :-( I don't know what else to do!!

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