I'd go for 2 150w - in combo slightly overrated for your tank but assuming you set the thermostats right it won't overheat it.
The reason for this is that if one fails you have the second one to keep things in check until you can catch it. Also, if a thermostat fails and the heater won't switch off it will take longer to heat the water to dangerous temps.
If you only have 1 200 or 250w heater, if it breaks the water will go cold quite quickly, particularly coming into winter, and if the thermostat fails you risk the water overheating much more quickly than with 2.
As to what type, I run a Rena Smart Filter connected to the output tube of my external filter - great heater - cool to touch on the outside so plec (and other sucker type fish) friendly and its also made of some form of plastic so is unbreakable (think the more aggressive cichlids - looking at you Oscar!).
That said - Eheim and others make some excellent heaters. I'd go for brand names as opposed to some £10 job off ebay - although I have used them and not had one fail I wouldn't risk it now. For an extra £5-10 each go for quality when it comes to heating.
Danny B