Heater Failure! During Winter Oh No!


Mostly New Member
Jun 29, 2013
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hey guys,
so my heater is having trouble keeping up this winter I think it is dying. Anyway I need a new one so I figured you guys would know which one to get. I have always been using the one that I got the whole tank set up with so im not sure which to get. Looking for cheaper the better (poor college student haha). Anyway in one of my other posts I was asking for tank mates and about planting my tank and I said I was gonna get a pic up but totally forgot...So it is attached now! The dimensions are 30 by 18 by 13 to make 30 gallons. Thanks!


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I wouldnt go cheap with heaters, so Aqueon is the way to go. Also, look for a fully submersible one so you can pout it by the filter.
Aqueon Fully Submersible 100w would work :D
I really love the Eheim jagers. They keep my tank at a good temp and they cost about 30$ for a 100W
+1 for the ehiem, brilliant heater, will last longer than a cheaper one, (under normal conditions) so cost will even out over time
bloodyeagle4 said:
hey guys,
so my heater is having trouble keeping up this winter I think it is dying. Anyway I need a new one so I figured you guys would know which one to get. I have always been using the one that I got the whole tank set up with so im not sure which to get. Looking for cheaper the better (poor college student haha). Anyway in one of my other posts I was asking for tank mates and about planting my tank and I said I was gonna get a pic up but totally forgot...So it is attached now! The dimensions are 30 by 18 by 13 to make 30 gallons. Thanks!
i'd go with one of these http://www.amazon.com/Hydor-100W-Submersible-Aquarium-Heater/dp/B00061UQ70/ref=sr_1_9?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1387046798&sr=1-9&keywords=aquarium+heater+100w
i personally had problems with aqueon heaters. for me they were taking in water/condensation.  (which sucks because their company is about 10 mins away from where i live and i have friends who work there)
these hydor heaters are pretty small and keep a consistant temp. i would get one and put it horizontal in the back-bottom of your tank.
Get a back up aswell. On both my marine tank and tropical I have a back up if one fails you always have the other
I've been using an Aqueon Pro 100w in my sorority and a 50w in Vesuvius tank. They both are working very well. I'm quite pleased with them so far. :)
I'd recommend the 150W heater for a 30G.  The price difference is not even worth mentioning, plus the general recommendation is 4W per G (or 1W per Liter).
As a quick price reference in the difference: I just bought a Hydor heater, 150W for $19.99, the 100W was $18.99.  Spend the little bit extra for the proper size.
Most reliable heaters iv used are the eheim jagers. Always keeps my tank at same temp.
Aqueon pros. I have 5 of them. (3 pro, 2 normal) all work extremely well.
Yeah, would recommend a 150w heater for your tank, that will keep water temperature more consistent and possibly uses less power consumption as does not need to be on for as long to keep temperatures stable.
A lesser powered heater may struggle to keep water temp stable and therefore would stay on for far longer just to maintain temps in colder times for example.
I use a Fluval E Heater 300w. Pretty good and no problems so far.
Pingu gives a good tip to have a backup heater should anything ever goes wrong. I have a backup heater in cupboard just in case.
good idea about the extra heater. but since you are poor.. you could ways search on deal extreme if one of them looms ok

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