He Had High Hopes


We are not born just so we can die
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Oct 1, 2010
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Had to share this picture of a rams horn snail, every time I look at it, it reminds me of the song High Hopes

That or he's doing his daily exercises, pilates anyone?
He he, he's doing the "beg" for food trick my dog does :)
I got myself a few of these recently.
I really don't know what he hoped to achieve since there was still a good 15cm or so from his perch on the log and the water surface.
Sadly I wish I didn't have ramshorn snails, between them and the MTS I am going MAD.
I am telling you, he's begging for food
 Drop a cucumber

I really don't mind snails. I've learnt to control the population somehow by the amount of food  I put in after having several infestations with my pond snails I've always had.  But I was sick looking at the same type of snails so I added the ramshorn and some nerites too.
They are bigger snails and I saw them sifting through the very top layer of the sand too, so I reckon they are a healthy addition as long as one controls the debris and food to prevent them from overtaking the tank

Is it ture that ramshorns can eat hydra because that's what I read somewhere, can't remember where...
I have strong suspicions that ramshorns can and do eat hydra. The few times I have had hydra infestations adding ramhorns seems to get rid of the hydra.
Unfortunately the ramshorns breed like crazy in my tanks, partly because of the live plants, so they always have that to munch on, and the MTS appear and chow down on the food meant for my corys and loaches. So far the Pakastani  and Dwarf chain loaches I have are doing a great job of controlling the pest snails, but I can't put these loaches into all of my tanks due to the native snail species I want to keep and breed and the potential for the loaches to scoff my various types of shrimp.
But I have a plan, I hope that by getting various native snails (already have 3 types - two that will hopefully breed in fresh water), then these snails will eat the food in the tanks instead of the pest ones over populating.
I've noticed that the snails will indeed eat bigger wafers that tend to hang around and don't get all eaten by the other fish for longer but feeding microflakes is better this way because the fish tend to eat them faster. I don't think the plants have anything to do with the infestation but cucumbers certainly do :)
That's what I am trying to do too, replace my boring brown pond snails with red ramshorns. I can't find any malaysian trumptet snails here, incredible.. I wish the nerites bred in fresh water too. I recently grabbed myself a few of these and I think they were the ones that finally cleaned my back glass which I was too lazy doing myself.
The only ones I can't understand people keeping are the assasin snails. Why replace detritus and algae eating snails with a snail that doesn't eat any type of algae, prefers meaty diet and also can breed to an "infestation" amount.
Trust me the corys don't leave their food sitting about, its just that the MTS are in such numbers. It doesn't help that I was away for a week and have no idea how much the people taking care of the tanks where giving the fish.
My nerites that I got a few months ago finally bred, I doubt the young will survive but the tank they are in has pretty hard water with lots of mosses and micro foods available. I guess it depends on the endlers that are constantly on the scrounge for food. I do like my nerites and am looking at getting some watershousii to complement my natives tank. Waterhousii snails can breed in fresh so a bit of a bonus with them.
I have heard that assassin snails can and will breed to plague proportions, and I know a lot of Aussies that wish they even had that as an option for their tanks, especially with shrimp and them not handling the chemicals used to control/ get rid of snails. I guess assassin snails also look nice with their stripes. Personally I think I prefer my loaches, they may not do a complete eradication of snails but they do a pretty good job.
The MTS could be because the live in the substrate itself so they find the most amounts of food :)
And it doesn't help when someone else feeds the tanks too I guess

My clown loaches certaintly keep the snails out of the picture in their tank but I still have to clean out the filter from happily surviving snails and I hate sucking up the empty shells that gather just below my filter intakes. They won't go up the siphon, they are so heavy. I think in a few more years time I'll have a shell substrate
Your shrimp would like a snail shell substrate
 , all that lovely calcium they can use for their sheds.
I did add a dead coral in the shrimp tank once just out of curiousity and all snails and shrimp seemed to love staying on it. It was fully occupied by the next day.
 I have a bunch of very nice looking corals that I brought from Thailand and I'd love to see them stay in a tank.  I kept them with my guppies at some stage before I figured I'd need to cut through the water with a knife  next time I try a water change. I've got liquid rock coming out from the tap.
No way would we able to get corals etc and bring them over to Australia, not without  a lot of chemicals to ensure nothing came with the coral. But then we do have the Great Barrier Reef running up most of the Queensland coast and off WA there is Ningaloo Reef along with other reef scattered all over the place. So we don't really need to bring in corals.
I am lucky I can go for a 1 1/2 hr drive and I am at the beach with corals and pumice stone all along the high tide mark, as well as shells. I have even been tempted to put cuttlefish  shell in one of my tanks since it is pretty much just calcium. 
I live close to the beach here as well(although it's too cold to even think about visiting it) but it doesn't have corals. It has nice round stones I have to try one day.
But in Thailand where we stayed it was a coral type of beach, so plenty to choose from. I've no idea how they left me carry them on the airplane but I asked because they were in my hand luggage too.

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