Hello. I introduced two shrimps yesterday sold to me as Ghost Shrimps. Soon after they went in the tank one was peaceful and the other was trying to catch the Dwarf Gourami and other fish. Having done more research, it turns out he was a Macro (does have huge claws!!). I have managed to remove him before he does any more harm. I have a second tank (48L) that I am keeping as dedicated shrimp tank, would he be okay in there with a mix of shrimps?
My second question. The 2nd shrimp today appeared to be shoaling with my rummynose tetras which was frightening them, he did not seem to be hunting them but definitely swimming with them then running up the side of the tank! Have you any ideas why he would be doing this? Is it normal behaviour?
Many thanks!
My second question. The 2nd shrimp today appeared to be shoaling with my rummynose tetras which was frightening them, he did not seem to be hunting them but definitely swimming with them then running up the side of the tank! Have you any ideas why he would be doing this? Is it normal behaviour?
Many thanks!