have a look at my tank :D

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
firstly id like u to see my fishtank, lemme know what you think?


i have one real wooded anubias and one fake plant a dwarf gourami, and three cory's.

i DO have a plant related question though... does the anubias need fertiliser?
simple, yet elegant. now all you have to do is get some glosso growing around the driftwood and you'll have a 5-star tank. It's a matter of opinion on the fert dosing... you don't really need to dose with only an anubias in there, the tap water does contain some nutrients already. if you filled the tank up with plants then you might want to think about getting some ferts but until then I don't think it's necessary.
thanks heaps!!

i have an UGF so putting any plants that will be attached to the ground isnt really feesable although my gravel is quite thick at the back of the tank (7 cm) so maybe something could take hold...

i went and got the fake plant today :*) i'll have to leave getting another real plant for a while. if the anubias goes well for a month or so i'll considder the java fern.

thanks a ton bout the recomendation on fertiliser :)

only problem now is I want a bigger tank!

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