Why not, right?
Ive two hatchers I am trying out to at least get a few fry off this pair
ive one that simulates a gulp, though its not very gentle and the other has constand air flow though the eggs are not tossing about, but gently bouncing.
Ive noticed, watching these guys that the male will sometimes lose a egg or two out his gills. Perhaps that could be why he wont give fry. He loses his babies
Ive two hatchers I am trying out to at least get a few fry off this pair
ive one that simulates a gulp, though its not very gentle and the other has constand air flow though the eggs are not tossing about, but gently bouncing.
Ive noticed, watching these guys that the male will sometimes lose a egg or two out his gills. Perhaps that could be why he wont give fry. He loses his babies