Hatchett Fish Bleeding


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2010
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Ive been having a few problems with finrot lately which i thought id got under control but it looks like it may be back with a vengance.

I was looking at the fish just a couple of hours ago and they all seemed fine but ive just fed them and my marble hatchett has a spot of blood just behind his pectoral fin and theres a patch of blood on the end of his fin. Sorry i have no pics.

I have been testing daily and tests come back safe each time i cannot test for kh and gh tho.

Do you think this could be the start of finrot or something worse? when i had finrot before it was white patcess that died and fell off the fins never bleeding.
1 rainbow shark,1 female fighter,1 b/n catfish,1 diamond tetra and 2 neon tetra
Hmm, most likely the female fighter or the rainbow shark. They both are known to show aggresion towards other fish. My recommendation would be to keep the water very clean, so change the water daily
Also, I'd you have enough space then you should get atleast 5 more diamond tetras, 5 more hatchets and 4 more neons
ive been observing the fish for periods of time and neither the betta or rainbow are overly aggressive especially the betta so if its an attack id be completly surprised as ive had these fish for some time now and i cant relly put any stock in the tank until im completly sure im desiese free.

Its down to the initial battle with finrot that my neon,diamond and hatchett numbers are down.

Would doing daily water changes achiev anything as my waters are testing fine and im allready doing weekley 40% changes which ive been doing since i set the tank up around 8 months ago.

going to have 10 mins with them now before i switch the lights out.

Maybe the last chance i get to see the hatchett.
Would doing daily water changes achiev anything as my waters are testing fine and im allready doing weekley 40% changes which ive been doing since i set the tank up around 8 months ago.

A lot of other things build up in the water that we can not test for, bacteria etc

Daily changes will keep your water pristine and lower the chances of any secondary infections.
Hatchett is alive and looks slightly better im wondering if maybe he just jumped and caught himself on the edge of one of the codensation covers.

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