Has Any Of Your Bettas Ever Jumped Out Of Its Tank And Lived?


Sep 3, 2005
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Well has it ever happened to you and where did you find it after it jumped out and how far do you think it got before you found it and is it still alive today, if so post a pic of it.
It happened when I was acclimating my Betta smaragdina once. The tank is on my desk, so the female jumped on to the desk. She didn't get far at all when it happened, as I was right here. She is still alive, however no pictures because she and her boyfriend are in planted tank heaven and seeing them is a rare occurence. :p

Edit: Oh, I remember another time. Also acclimating. :p He jumped off the bookcase the tank is on and landed about 4 feet down on the floor. :crazy: I was again, right there, so he wasn't very far along either. Here's his picture right after the ordeal. Still kicking today, at 4 years old:

"Um....oops? Heh heh..."
Stunning betta :drool: Is he still alive? Well so far :knock on wood: I have never had a betta jump out of its tank.
Thanks. :) Yeah, he's alive, as I said.

Glad to hear none of your's have jumped. Hopefully you can keep it that way. :thumbs:
One of my bettas jumped out of his tank when I was reaching over to give him food- apparently, I scared him. Anyway, he was and still is fine- he was only out of the water for a few seconds. We had another one jump out and fall behind the massive book shelf and... well... we never got him out of there... :-(
Well the only fish I've ever had to jump out of a tank was my common pleco when he was in the 10g and he was out of the water and flopping around for a good 10 minutes.
I've never had one jump but I've had them fall out before when the shelves broke. Aroon, Niran and Chet were probably out of water for an hour or so.
How did the shelf break, was there an earthquake causing it to break or what?
Too much weight on it. One of that cats jumped up on it, and boom, it gave out. I'm surprised the cats didn't eat the fish, probably too horrified from being soaking wet.
were the fish ok?! Cloud *tried* to jump out the other day when I took his lid off to change his tank, thankfully my hand was in the way and he hit it instead.

how can they survive out of water?
were the fish ok?! Cloud *tried* to jump out the other day when I took his lid off to change his tank, thankfully my hand was in the way and he hit it instead.

how can they survive out of water?

They breath air. As long as they don't dry up they're fine, or don't stress themself to death.
Bettas actually do breathe air. One of its realtives, the climbing perch, can actually cross the savanna to get to a new pond.

One of my bettas jumped out while I was walking my dog. The cat began playing with him too... I found him and the cat after about an estimated ten minutes. He had scratches and was covered with hair. He sadly lived only about two days after the accident.

The only times I've had them live through it is when I was there to see them jump... I've never gotten to them in time aside from that :sad:
Sometimes they'll jump when I'm pouring them back in their tanks after a water change, and once I heard a splash while at my computer desk and one of them had hopped out onto the carpet... that was when I used to keep them in bowls without lids way back when, silly me :rolleyes:
None of my bettas have jumped out. But the only time I forgot to clost the lid on my 20g my snail left the tank and I found her under the stand dead when I moved my tank.
I found a betta on the floor of my store...she was all dried out but still flapping a bit...I have no idea how long she was out. Stupid kids...I hate them. But I got her back in a bowl and added some stress coat, she was fine afterwards :)

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